Luscious Lashes

Are those your real lashes?!

I get this question A LOT, and understandably so, since lash extensions and false strip/individual lashes are now so common.

The answer to this question is YES!

In this post, I will answer some questions and give you all of the information I can on growing longer, fuller lashes, and will also provide an honest look at my experience.

Were you just born with amazing lashes or did you actually need the help?

Nope, my lashes are just normal, average lashes both in length and thickness. In fact, though the rest of my natural hair color is a bit darker, my lashes themselves are fairly light, and the ends of them are blonde and quite hard to notice without mascara!

What product do you use?

Lastisse (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.3%, and I use the 5 mL bottle. This is a product made by the company Allergan- which is a huge cosmetic company that is also related to Allergan breast implants, CoolSculpting, and injectable fillers.

I have a solid background as an RN in a cosmetic / plastic surgery setting, and decided to try it after working at my office.

How much does it cost?

This will most likely vary depending on where you purchase the product and what size you choose. The smaller size runs about $100, and the larger size (5 mL- what I use) runs about $200.

Do I need a prescription?

Yes- although you are not having a “procedure” done and just purchasing product, it is still extremely important to consult with a knowledgable and qualified medical professional. Many times you can schedule a consultation at your choice of cosmetic / aesthetic office.

How often should the product be applied?

I always recommend following the directions of the healthcare professional, but I typically apply Latisse once each morning while I’m getting ready- before I have applied any moisturizer or makeup to my face. It only takes a minute or two to dry. The kit will come with disposable one-time-use brushes (one for each eye). I saturate the end of the brush with product and swipe it across my upper lash line, working from the inner corner to the outer corner of my eye. It only takes one drop to cover application to both upper lash lines.

How long will a bottle last me?

This all depends on how much product you use on a daily basis, and if you are consistent with your use. I only have experience using the large 5 mL bottle, and find it lasts me about 2 months or so. Try to be consistent with your application and not skip days- you are more likely to see results faster this way!

When will I start seeing results?

 It took me about 6 weeks before I started really noticing a big difference.

Do I have to keep using the product to have long-term results?

Yes. Eventually, your long, Latisse-assisted lashes will complete their growth cycle and fall out just like your regular eyelashes do, so if you want to continue growing long and fuller lashes, you will have to keep applying product. Luckily, it couldn’t be more simple!

Does it burn your eyes?

Well, this product isn’t made to go in your eyes, but if it does happen, it’s okay! I’ve had it happen to me. Nothing hurt or burned, I didn’t go blind and there was no long-term damage to my eyes or vision. I was temporarily a little light-sensitive, which lasted a few hours, and my sclera (the white part of the eye) became mildly irritated, which also resolved after a few hours.

Will my eyes change color? I read they turn blue / green eyes brown!

Although there is a very small possibility of this happening, I have not had it happen to my eyes, which are light brown / dark green. All of my friends and patients I know of that have used this product have not voiced any concern over their eyes changing color either. Doesn’t mean it can’t happen, but the chances are pretty slim. At the end of the day, it’s your decision to compare risk vs. reward (another great reason to consult with a qualified medical professional!).

Why did you choose Latisse over lash extensions or just wearing false lashes?

I’m horrible –horrible- at applying false lashes. It’s a battle. I also don’t care much for the heaviness I feel from having them on my eyelids, and really don’t want to deal with that all day every day. I do still wear falsies every once in a blue moon if I’m going for a super dramatic look, but 9.5/10 times my own lashes are enough. As for lash extensions, I think they’re beautiful, but don’t have the desire to invest the time for application / maintenance if I am able to grow my own to a length and thickness I am happy with.

Why Latisse over other lash serums?

Latisse was the only product our office sold for lash growth and was recommended by my doctor, a triple Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. I know there are plenty of serums out there, but this one was recommended to me and has been my tried-and-true!

Was the difference enough to make you use it again?

YES! My lashes have grown like weeds- they are much longer and fuller. As I mentioned in another question, I rarely find myself reaching for false lashes anymore, and no longer consider getting lash extensions. I have been using this product for about 2 years now and absolutely believe it is worth the investment!

As a disclaimer, these opinions are my own and based on my own experiences with this product. I am in no way affiliated with this product or the brand Latisse or Allergan, just a huge fan! Although I am a Registered Nurse with an aesthetic background, do not take my word or experiences as your own, and seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.

I hope this Q & A was helpful and informative! Anything you still want to know? Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to get back to you!






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